Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chicago Raccoon Removal: They're Cute but Nasty

Though they look cute and cuddly, raccoons are related to bears and have a similar temperament—especially when cornered or around their young. If you have one living in your home, in your yard or anywhere else on your property, contact Windy City Wildlife to have the raccoon removed.

Raccoon Problems in Chicago
  • Nesting in attics, chimneys and soffits (under eaves around the perimeter of the attic); tearing out insulation; ripping up ductwork; chewing through wires; damaging wooden joists; tipping over garbage cans; stealing pet food and bird seed; ripping up screens and garbage bags; digging for grubs and destroying lawns and golf courses; and killing ornamental fish in ponds
  • Causing further problems under decks, front porches, decks, and other concrete slabs
  • Carrying rabies and distemper, posing a threat to people and domestic pets
  • Causing diseases that affect people and pets like roundworm via urine and droppings
  • Carrying fleas, ticks and other parasites, leading to even more diseases
  • Alarming dogs, cats and other pets with their presence during the night due to their nocturnal habits
Why You Need Windy City Wildlife Service
  • Traps need to be set at all entry points
  • Raccoons weigh between 10-20 lbs. (sometimes up to 50), are crafty and can get out of most traps
  • You must be licensed to capture raccoons and it is illegal to released them on other properties
  • Getting bitten can give you rabies
  • Raccoons will tear new holes if old holes are blocked and offenders are not removed
  • There are no effective raccoon repellents – moth balls, predator urine, ultrasonic emitters, and ammonia-
    soaked rags are ineffective from our experience
  • While cute, a raccoon’s bear-like temperament makes it unsuitable for close contact or being a pet
  • Infested attics need to be cleaned and decontaminated


  1. Wow I am glad I don't have raccoons. But I do have rats. Can I call animal removal in Irmo to get them out of my yard?

  2. Raccoons are feisty animals. In the past I have seen raccoons in my backyard. Usually, they will leave the yard and don't return. If I found one in my home I wouldn't know what to do. http://wildlifeextractors.com/

  3. I had no idea that raccoons carry a lot of health risks and diseases. They always look so sweet in movies. I hope I never go up against a raccoon. I will definitely contact a professional to come and remove these animals from my home. http://wildthingzllc.com/index.php

  4. My grandma lives near the mountains and seems to get a lot of wildlife wandering in her backyard. Recently, she has gotten a lot of racoons going and hanging out around the trash bins. We don't know how to get rid of them. Would you happen to know of a raccoon removal service near Highland Park that she could hire? http://animalcontrolspecialists.com/pests.html

  5. I agree that these things look nice and sweet, but they aren't. Calling animal control is something that needs to be done soon. You don't want these critters hanging around your house. http://wildlifeextractors.com/

  6. I live in a pretty rural area and we have been having a lot of raccoon's hanging out around our house! What are some things that I can do to get rid of them? Are there raccoon removal services?
    Holly James | http://enviroservpest.com/

  7. I used to think raccoons were cute, but the more I learn about them, the more I realize they're dangerous and a bit of a nuisance. Once, when I was little, my mom heard a noise against our walls from outside. A raccoon was scaling the wall, heading for an open window. She called an animal removal service the next day.


  8. The last two nights I have heard scampering and scratching in my attic. At first I thought it was mice. With how loud the sound is, it sounds like a bear. I live near the park, so maybe it is a woodland creature. Anyway, how do I actually safely investigate what is up there?


  9. Where we live, we have a lot of raccoons in our area. We have a shed and there are always raccoons in there. I am looking to clean out that shed and fix it up. So I want to hire someone to go in there and first get the raccoons out before I go in there. http://360wildlife.com/wildlife-removal/mississauga/


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